Director: Emeritus Professor Paul Weller, Cert Ed, MA, MPhil, PhD, DLitt
The company offers research and training services informed by the over a quarter of a century's academic expertise and practical experience in the field of religion and belief of its Director.
During his career he has worked as an ordained minister of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and as Community Relations Officer with responsibility for racial justice and inter-faith relations with the Greater Manchester County Ecumenical Council; as Employment Development Officer for the London Churches' Employment Development Group; and as Resources Officer for the Inter Faith Network for the UK. While at the University of Derby his roles included those of Head of the Religious Resource and Research Centre; Reader in Religious Studies; Professor of Inter-Religious Relations; and Acting University Head of Research.
Following his substantive retirement he is now Emeritus Professor, and fractionally employed Professor and leader of the Culture, Religion and Belief research cluster in the University of Derby's Centre for Social, Cultural and Legal Research. He is also a fractionally employed Professor in the Faith and Peaceful Relations Research Group of Coventry University's Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations; and Research Fellow in Religion and Society at Regent's Park College, University of Oxford, where he is Associate Director (UK) of the Oxford Centre for Christianity and Culture, and an Associate Member of the University's Faculty of Theology and Religion.
Paul Weller has also been a member of the Faith Advisors to the Secretary of State and Other Ministers and Senior Civil Servants of the former Department for Communities and Local Government; and a member of the Office for National Statistics Working Group on Ethnicity, Language, Identity and Religion of the Office for National Statistics; and a member of a number of working groups of the Equality and Human Rights Commission relating to matters of religion or belief.
Company number: 10303967